Good Luck to You, Leo Grande

Emma Thompson and Daryl McCormack in the film GOOD LUCK TO YOU, LEO GRANDE. Photo Courtesy of Searchlight Pictures. © 2022 20th Century Studios All Rights Reserved

Good Luck to You, Leo Grande is an intricate character study masquerading as something lascivious. Director Sophie Hyde (The Hunting) knows that the sexy premise will get people to tune in, and she smartly uses it to lead the audience into a carefully nuanced look at two people who need something from each other. Hyde allows the interactions to be funny, but never lets them veer into slapstick or ridiculous. Nancy and Leo are people first and foremost, though they may act silly at times.

Verdict: With two engaging performances and a nuanced look at sexuality, Good Luck to You, Leo Grande is a must-see. Stream it.

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